Adding the Command Prompt to your Shortcut Menu (Win2k/XP)
By Kumar Gaurav,B.Tech(E.C.E),New Delhi.
If you find that you frequently open a Command Prompt window and change to a specific directory, you can add the Command Prompt to your shortcut menu in Windows Explorer. This option enables you to right-click on a folder within
Windows Explorer and choose the Command Prompt option. Windows 2000 will then open a Command Prompt window with that folder as your current directory.
To add a Command Prompt option to your shortcut menu:
following commands to your batch file:
@echo off
cd /d %1
Title %~f1
cmd.exe /a /k c:\winnt\StartPrompt "%l"
Now you're all set. In Windows Explorer, right-click on a folder. You should now
see a new option called Command Prompt on the shortcut menu. If you choose this
option, Windows 2000 opens a new Command Prompt window with the selected folder
as your current folder.